Howdy partners!
It’s hot as balls here in Huntsville. But you know what’s even hotter? Liberalism.
Hope you had an extremely gay PRIDE month.
As the Huntsville New Liberals step into July, we wanted to take a second to:
- Invite you to some amazing upcoming events
- Share a few ways to get involved locally and news to keep an eye on
- Make your day just a little bit brighter (but hopefully not hotter)
But first, a little about our first event!
June happy hour!
Our first-ever happy hour was a huge success! We had so many great conversations, with around 30 amazing folks! We found there was a ton of enthusiasm around transportation and reducing car-dependency, including walkability, biking infrastructure, and mass transit. Yay urbanism! So many thanks to everyone who came by!
Next happy hour!

Our happy hours are every fourth Thursday, 6-8 pm at The Camp. Next one is July 27. Hope to see you there! RSVP!
Week of Action 2023
We’ve got two events for this year’s Week of Action.

Thursday, August 10 we’re attending a Huntsville City Council meeting IRL! Meet us at 5:30 pm in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 308 Fountain Circle Southwest Huntsville, AL 35801. RSVP today!

Then, the Huntsville New Liberals are going to clean up McMillian Park. Join us August 19 from 5-7pm McMillian Park, Double Helix Trail, Huntsville, AL 35806. RSVP today!
Other events you may want to attend
Persistence PAC is hosting a Bid on Blue planning meeting on July 11 at 6PM. Located at a private residence at 5713 Criner Rd SE, Huntsville, AL 35802. Like them on Facebook and join them here.
Madison County Democratic Women have several upcoming events, including Dems After Dark, which is open to all genders and where you’ll find us. Like them on Facebook and join them here. Reach out to with any questions.
We also recently joined the Local Liberal Brigade. This is a private Facebook group for local lefties. Find Lisa Schrimsher on Facebook and message her with a request to join the Facebook group to get access to their monthly events.
To keep up with all local left-of-center events, check out our brand-spankin new events calendar! Have an upcoming event you’d like us to feature? Email us the deets!
A few other ways to get involved
Check out Huntsville’s draft transit improvement plan. We believe comments will be open until the committee meets in August.
This month we learned anyone can request a new greenway, sidewalk, complete street, or bike lane on Huntsville Connect.
We’d also recommend everyone peruse the City of Huntsville’s comprehensive master plan and sign up for email updates.
Aligned local groups you may want to join
Alabama Urbanists Coalition Discord serverHUBS CoopMoms Demand Action (Facebook)Join by emailing Nancy McCall at nancy@nancy-mccall.comTennessee Valley Progressive AllianceContact: tvprogressives@gmail.comLeague of Women Voters (Facebook)Madison County Democrats (Facebook) Have a left-of-center local group you’d like us to feature? Email us the deets!
Local happenings you may care about
Anti-choice bullsh*t
Please sign the Yellowhammer Fund’s petition to block HB454. It would eliminate a provision preventing prosecutors from charging a person who terminates a pregnancy, even non-viable, with homicide.
Huntsville bike share
This month we learned Huntsville has a bike share program. Check out Huntsville Blue Bikes.
That’s all for now folks! Thanks so much for everything you do. –Cathy and Rob
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