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Join us on the second Thursday of every month at Green Bus Brewing for our monthly Happy Hour from 7-9PM! Make new friends and enjoy a few drinks on us!


Next Event: November 14

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Huntsville New Liberals October Happy Hour

October 26, 2023 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Mad Malts Brewing

The Huntsville New Liberals are dedicated to working together to boost Huntsville’s economy and increase equity by advocating for evidence-based, pragmatic local policy. 

Join us at our monthly happy hour for drinks on us and conversations with smart, reasonable, solutions-oriented Huntsvillians.

Part of our mission includes making Huntsville safer and easier for people of all ability levels to walk and bike around. So we’re super pumped to announce that at this month’s happy hour we’ll be hearing from Larry Mason, Executive Director of the Huntsville Urban Bike Share Coop (HUBS Coop) on October 26th from 6-8 pm. RSVP now!

To learn more about HUBS Coop and how they’re making getting around on foot and via bicycle safer and easier while promoting smart, green economic growth, check out our recent post

Our monthly happy hour is a great place to get plugged in, whether you’re looking for friends/community, opportunities to volunteer, ways to get involved in local politics, or just a place to vent.

We’re not looking to re-invent the wheel or compete with existing groups. If you’re about making Huntsville better, please come out and recruit from our attendees! We want people doing whatever they’re best suited to. There’s more than enough work to go around.

We welcome everyone of all races, religions, orientations, etc. Members of all parties are also welcome (though we are liberals, so authoritarians may not find much common ground here).

Huntsville New Liberals is a project of the Center for New Liberalism.

At the national/international level, New Liberals believe in: Economic growth, Free trade, Immigration, Abundance, Housing, Healthcare, Social safety nets

Don’t like all of those? That’s fine! We also believe in working together on the things we do agree on. We meet from 6-8 pm on the fourth Thursday of every month. To get emails about us and our events, sign up for our newsletter on our website. Have a local event related to lefty politics and/or smart growth/urbanism? Let us know and we’ll add it to our events calendar

Rob Clark and Cathy Reisenwitz lead the Huntsville chapter of CNL and started it in June 2023.

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