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Landlubber Flint River Cleanup

August 23, 2023 | 8:30 am - 1:30 pm | Flint River

The North Alabama Sierra Club and the Flint River Conservation Association are joining forces for a cleanup on the Flint River. Some canoes will be provided along with life vests and cleanup tools. Dress to get wet and maybe a little dirty.

Be sure to bring gloves, sunscreen, and water!

We will need people to help cleanup on land at bridge crossings and to help with setup for the food that will be provided. The plan is to meet at 8:30 or 9:00am and be out by 1:00 or 1:30pm. There will be shuttles to get you to the put-in and back to your cars afterwards. There has not been a cleanup since before the pandemic, so lets turn out in force and make this a great cleanup!

Please sign up here as well if you want to bring food and/or supplies, and/or help coordinate this event.

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