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Tour de Ville

October 7, 2023 | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm | S.R. Butler Green, Campus 805

Tour de Ville and the Pedal Power Exhibition is an annual festive event centered on a leisurely bike ride around Historic Downtown Huntsville and after-ride activities from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Butler Green to support the Williams Unit Boys and Girls Club. The ride begins and ends at S.R. Butler Green, located at Campus No. 805 on Clinton Avenue. Riders will enjoy several noteworthy “rest stops” along the route and learn interesting nuggets about Huntsville and its rich history. 

The Pedal Power Exhibition, our post-ride celebration, will include music, food, drinks, and local craft beer at Straight to Ale and other Campus No. 805 businesses until 4 p.m.

Our 2022 routes included stops at the following noteworthy and historical sites: Lowe Mill, Maple Hill Cemetery, James A. Lane Boys and Girls Club, Lincoln Commissary, and Council High Memorial Park. 

As in previous years, in 2023, we’ll have a short and a long route.

In addition, this year, we’ll also have a much shorter family ride for parents, toddlers and younger kids! Bring your bikes, helmets, friends, and the entire family, and have fun riding throughout Huntsville, learning about the city while supporting a worthy cause! 

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